I'll start with Tripp's 9 month check up.... it turned out to be not so fun....they found out the he has only gained 1 lb in 3 months....not even on the charts. Height was about 40% but weight was no where to be found! He only ways 15 lbs 11 oz. He is teeny! They did bloodwork to check for anemia and thyroid problems. Both came back fine. They did find that his bloodcount was high which means he has some kind of infection but we never knew it. They started him on Amoxicillin and rechecked it today and it had gone back up but isn't back to normal yet. They'll recheck his blood count in 2 wks and his weight in 6 wks. Hopefully it will be fine when we hear the results. One good thing...Tripp just learned to clap! So cute! Also, I think he might crawl soon....he really tries for toys out of reach and will fall over trying to get them. Hopefully that is a good sign!
That night we went to dinner at Cracker Barrel and as we were going to the car....Avin fell in the parking lot. Yeah...not fun! He was bleeding pretty bad. Enough that Vernie was concerned too...usually I am the only one panicking. So, we called the docs and they said take him to ER. Good thing we did. He needed stitches. He got 2 in his forehead. They had to wrap him up in a sheet to do it. He was screaming the whole time. Poor guy! Needless to say....he got many prizes! :)
Then today we had Avin's 3 yr checkup. Everything was great! This is probably the first check up for him that there weren't any concerns! He is right on target! Yeah!!!
My favorite boys!
Here you can see Avin's stitches! Ouch!
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