Tripp is almost 9 months and is sitting up and babbling all the time! He really brightens our lives! He is a wonderful baby! Wish he could stay this way forever! Well, almost....he isn't sleeping through the night yet!! If that were fixed we would love for him to be a baby forever! He is just so happy!! If any parents out there with crawling babies can give us a clue as to how to get him to crawl....let me know! He isn't crawling yet and I REALLY want him too. Avin skipped that phase and I really don't want Tripp too.
Avin had his 3rd birthday in May! Can't believe it! He also had his first dentist appt and didn't have any cavities...just needed a good cleaning. But boy he didn't like it! Vernie and the dentist both had to hold him! lol We didn't really expect anything different! He is sooo sweet and lovable! He talks so much now....who would have thought a year ago he was barely saying 5 words! He amazes us everyday with something new! He has recently started saying "you are the best mommy I ever seen!" Because grandma tells both our boys, "you are the best big boy (or baby) I ever did see!" So, he tells daddy that he" is the best big boy he ever saw!" He keeps us laughing!
Other than that, We have been just taking life easy and enjoying these two beautiful and happy boys! Also, we had our 7th wedding anniversary this year! The first one that we weren't together on because V had a work trip. But we managed to survive! lol :) Can't wait to be able to say it was our 50th anniversary! God is good! On to the pics!
Our precious boys!!
Vernie just built avin's playground in the back yard and put a sand box in the bottom. Avin loves it!
This is the latest addition to our family! V's porsche. Avin loves to help daddy wash it. Daddy just has to remind avin that he only washes with the sponge not anything else! Daddy is quite protective of his car! :)
Grandma and Grandpa came up to celebrate Tripp's half birthday in March! :) I think we might have given him a taste or two. Mostly it was for us! :)
Here is Avin's 3rd birthday! We just had a few family over and a few friends. We didn't go all out this year and it was so fun! Just chilling out at home with friends and family. I think we all liked it way better than any other party we've had.
And I made his cake this year! It was fun to do. I spent so much time making it that I didn't do alot of cleaning or planning the party! lol Oh well, it worked out. :)
And thanks to my wonderful mom we have new cushions for our patio set. She recovered the ones we had with this great sunbrella fabric! Should last us a while!! Thanks mom!
1 comment:
Oh my. They are getting so big!
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