We have gotten 3.5 inches of snow today! On top of getting 1/2 inch of ice last night. It is beautiful out! Too bad Avin has an ear infection and a cold or we would be out playing in it! Instead we are hanging out inside and V is working and we are playing, cleaning, and having fun!
This is Tripp today, sitting in the Bumbo for the first time! Yeah Tripp!
And here is Big Brother Avin right behind! You can see Avin is blurry and Tripp is clear, can you guess who can't be still????
Last night we bought Avin a "snow day" toy at Walmart on sale. He loves it!
Trying to stuff Little People in his shoes....isn't that how is works?
We went out for a drive at little while earlier and when we pulled on to our street Avin said, "Where's the road?" You can't even see the curbs!
How fun! We don't have any white stuff here. Sorry about Avin and the ear infections- yuck! Been there, done that! By the way- the kids have that toy at my parents- they LOVE it! Just wait till he sees what else can go on there and spin....and spin...and CRASH! :)
our boys have that race track and love it!
isn't it gorgeous out?
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