We had his birthday party at Chuck E Cheese (note to self: DON'T do that again!)....it was complete chaos but it was fun. :)
Here is a picture of Avin wearing his tshirt that we made for him. I found the iron on transfers at Walmart and that it would be fun to make him a birthday shirt since on his first birthday he wore a bib that said "1st birthday". And since we had a Thomas party for him we thought it would be neat to have a Thomas shirt on. If you look closely you can see that V replaced Thomas' face with Avin's and put "Avin and Friends".
Here we are at Chuck e Cheese! The pizzas were late coming out so we missed out on dancing with chucky which Avin wouldn't have done anyways. And we didn't have time to do cake and presents there so we ended up having to go back to our house and do that. It worked out fine. Although, right when we were about the cut the cake our couch got delivered (it was being repaired). It was nothing like I planned but what party goes as planned anyways, right? lol :) It reminds me that as parents, we must be flexible and go with the flow.

And any game with balls is always fun....
He wasn't too fond of Chucky....lol
And here we are FINALLY cutting the cake.
and eating it...
He got a lot of great gifts....an swimming pool, a kitchen, a Thomas tent thing, a new battery powered James train, a bubble train thing, a mail box with shapes, and V and I got him a basketball goal and fridge phonics (thanks Keisha, we saw it on your blog and had to have it). He plays with all of them, well except for the pool....but that will come when the weather isn't so rainy!
Thanks to all of our family for coming up to celebrate and for the great gifts. We appreciate it!
Really?!!! He is two already! Time really does fly!
You guys need to set up a poll about the sex of the baby! I of course need to see some belly shots before I can vote. hint, hint. :)
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